Service available for:
- Kazakhstan
Service available for:
We guarantee that we provide a complete and highly qualified assistance and that we meet the timing and control requirements of the registration process
List of services
A weekly search of local literature and screening healthcare websites
Work with CIOMs reports of Product License Holders
Work associated with Periodic Safety Updated Reports (PSAR), DSUR, and RMP
Field trips to investigate adverse reactions
Registration as a local authorized person for pharmacovigilance and coordination with an authorized state body
Processing of local reports on adverse reactions
Pharmacovigilance stages
According to the current rules in the Republic of Kazakhstan, pharmacovigilance includes the following steps:
Appointment of an Authorized Person
responsible for pharmacovigilance
Support on pharmacovigilance of
part of the Authorized Person
Reporting to a client on
the status of pharmacovigilance activities
We will calculate the final cost and terms of registration at your request
Questions and Answers
1. Which documents on the status of pharmacovigilance activities are required to be submitted?
1) List of the principal data on the medicine of the product license holder
2) Master-file of the pharmacovigilance system (after signing a contract)
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